Cutting-edge program design and award-winning technology that delivers human-centered learning experiences for leaders, talent and teams

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We are experts in designing extraordinarily enjoyable, research-led learning experiences on a global scale

Our learning programs are proven to deliver high levels of engagement and retention

Engage, delight and deepen the experience and memorable qualities of programme content.
Community engagement via animation, nudging, gamification, amplifying pockets of excellence.
State of the art learning libraries
Leading content with access to wealth of interactive learning libraries
Personalised journeys
Personalised, flexible user journeys to fit each learner's schedule and experience level
Self-directed learning
Self, team and group learning formats supported by experts
Coaching and mentoring
One to one coaching and mentoring by world class coaches and experts
Flexible teams, thematic discussions and sharing of resources
Learning at scale
Cohorts of up to 10,000 develop skills simultaneously across the world
Real business challenges
Practical application using personal business challenges and line manager involvement
Knowledge culture
Ongoing personal development and improved knowledge culture
Instils new behaviours
New language and models embedded in the organisation to enable new behaviours
Real-time change management
Inbuilt surveys and diagnostics to enable real time management of the change
Real-time feedback
Data driven with real-time feedback and assessment
Scalable automation
Automated programme management tools to enable small teams to deliver global programmes
Governance ISO etc
Enterprise level. Clear governance and delivery framework for learning
API integrations
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We design and deliver state-of-the-art blended learning programs that incorporate best-in-class content, real life business challenges and active community building

Leadership Development
Talent development
Manager excellence
Open innovation
Learning in the flow of work
Digital awareness
Lean and agile
Business partnering
Curiosity - The Greatest Driver of Value in the Digital Age
Leadership Development

Develop the next generation of leaders with personalized learning journeys, one-to-one expert support and bespoke curriculum. Our methods align with your strategic objective to ensure your people are equipped to lead your organization into the future. Content includes:
  • Strategy
  • Business partnering
  • Innovation and leadership
  • Influencing
  • Personal brand, media training and storytelling

We design and deliver state-of-the-art blended learning programs that incorporate best-in-class content, real life business challenges and active community building

Leadership Development
Talent development
Manager excellence
Open innovation
Learning in the flow of work
Digital awareness
Lean and agile
Business partnering
Curiosity - The Greatest Driver of Value in the Digital Age

Our off-the-shelf organisational learning courses are delivered face to face or virtually via SmartLab

Find out more


Award-winning program design
Learning network
Learning content
Award-winning technology
Structured journey
A learning journey designed around strategic outcomes
Structured cohorts
Group cohorts by pre-defined criteria
User journey
Personalized, flexible for each learner‘s schedule and experience level
Business challenges
Pragmatic scenario-based exercises
Learning evidence submission and review
Engaging experience
Community engagement driven by animation, nudging, gamification, amplifying pockets of excellence
Learning format
Self, team and group learning activities—supported by experts
Enterprise level
A clear governance and delivery framework for learning


Award-winning program design
Learning network
Learning content
Award-winning technology
The program is a treasure chest of business tools and business knowledge. I am really happy to see that my customers and colleagues are taking notice and I feel more confident and engaged.
Ludic Learning client