Case study

Strategic visioning and solution design event

How did we design an event to engage leaders in a future state strategy for a global financial services organization?


Align and engage 150 leaders in a major financial services organization in a shared vision and the roadmap for achieving it.


During the course of multi-day virtually delivered events, we collaborated with the organization’s leaders to align on each department’s current initiatives and use process modeling design and re-engineering to create a vision for the future.

The virtual event series, was followed by a face-to-face immersive event to bring leaders together and commit to delivering the strategy and vision. During the event, participants used SmartLab Event’s decision-making and collaboration apps to document their work and build a roadmap for the future. Leaders went back to their countries and teams with a clear vision and a roadmap for achieving it. To support the transformation, follow up and strategy cascade events were designed and delivered locally for co-located teams and virtually for geographically dispersed teams.


The virtual event series significantly boosted collaboration and innovation. Participants engaged in dynamic discussions, resulting in actionable insights and strategies that enhanced organizational performance. The interactive format fostered stronger connections among leaders, leading to improved alignment on company goals. Feedback highlighted increased confidence in navigating market challenges and a renewed commitment to driving growth. Overall, the series was pivotal in empowering leadership with the knowledge and networks needed for sustained success.