Case study

Global finance transformation program

Engaging 3,000 employees in the finance function of the future


Create a motivational experience to engage the global leadership team of a major financial services organization in their future vision and strategy.


We designed an event for 180 leaders, created a global engagement campaign for 3,000 employees and used our digital change platform, SmartLab Transformation, to deliver a series of events and capability building programs.

The initial event brought 180 key stakeholders together to co-create the finance function of the future and develop a roadmap for implementing the necessary changes. Once the leaders finalized the roadmap, we created a global engagement campaign to align the wider organization. This campaign combined learning modules and multimedia to motivate employees to embrace the new vision for the finance function of the future and play their part in its success.


Leaders went back to their countries and teams with a clear vision and a roadmap for achieving it. Follow up and strategy cascade events were designed and delivered locally for co-located teams and virtually for geographically-dispersed teams to support the transformation.